This page outlines the rules and regulations for the sports leagues that we're currently running.

If you don't see the rules and regulations for a particular sport listed here, we may be offering the sport only as a drop-in activity at the current time or have temporarily or permanently stopped offering this program.

The following By-laws and Policies apply to all the sports leagues we run. Accordingly, they act as a preface to the specific match rules (by sport) that you will find below. 



We aim to run adult recreational sports programs to the highest professional standard and use the proceeds to help underserved youth succeed in sports and school.

In line with the above mission statement, each Sea to Sky Sports league or other sporting event (e.g., lessons) exists to undertake the following major initiatives:

(a) To create, run, and promote recreational adult sports programs open to everyone, regardless of gender, colour, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or religion.

(b) To apply a significant portion of league revenue to programs and projects which encourage participation in sport in under-served communities.


(1) When a player registers herself/himself as a free agent or as a member of a named team, payment must be made in full prior to the beginning of a season or, if joining after a season has begun, prior to playing her/his first game.

(2) When a team is paying a team fee through its captain, the full fee must be paid before the team participates in the first game.

(3) Exceptions may be made to (1) and (2) [above] if a league director arranges a payment plan with a player or team captain. However, any such plan does not provide the player or a team the right to play any game, should any fees remain outstanding. Accordingly, the League Commissioner may not include the team in the regular-season schedule until full fees are paid and may withdraw the team from further participation should the league be in process.

(4) No player or team may take the field of play in a post-season competition if the player or team has not paid their full fees, irrespective of any arrangements made as per (3) above.

(5) A team that pays its fees late is not guaranteed a place in any post-season competition.

(1) An individual player may cancel her/his registration at any time up to 24 hours before his/her first game and receive a full refund, less a $5 transaction fee.

(2) Within 24 hours of a player's first game, the same player may receive a full refund (less a $5 transaction fee) only if the player finds a replacement player or the league can find a replacement.

(3) If one or more people have paid a 'team fee' and the team cancels its registration more than seven days before its first game, a full refund (less transaction fee—5% of the 'team fee') will be provided.

(4) If a team cancels its registration within seven days before its first game, no fees will be refunded unless a replacement team is found.

(5) No fees will be refunded if a team or player withdraws after a season has begun. (If a team withdraws but individual members on that same team would still like to play in the league for which they were registered, the League will do its best to allocate them to an existing team or to create a new team that they can join.)

(6) The League reserves the right to remove any player or team from the League if a player or team does not abide by any one of the Match Rules regarding misconduct and dangerous play. In such a case where a player has failed to abide by any one of the Match Rules listed for a given sport regarding misconduct and dangerous play, no refund shall be provided.

(7) In the event of player-injury, no refund shall be provided unless a replacement player is found. However, the injured player, upon approval by the appropriate league representative, will be welcome back when healthy and will have her or his fees waived at an amount equivalent to the number of games missed because of previous injury. This offer does not apply to players whose captains paid a team fee. The offer applies only to those who registered as individuals directly with Play Vancouver.

(8) In the event our operations are forced to shut down because of a pandemic, such as COVID-19, we will provide a pro-rated refund to all participants for any regular-season games and/or lessons remaining on a season’s schedule.

(9) To request a refund, please write to Sea to Sky Sports through the contact page of this website and please write, 'Refund Request' in the subject heading.


(1) Captains may appeal League decisions made about their team or about players on their team (e.g., docking of points in team standings or issuing bans to players).

(2) Appeals must be made in writing to the League Commissioner within 10 business days of receipt of decisions made in writing by the League.

(3) Appeals will be reviewed by The Operating Committee, which will inform a captain of the League’s final decision on the matter within 10 business days of receipt of the written appeal by that captain.


Touch Rugby is in many ways a much simpler if not cleaner game than the likes of soccer and street hockey and so the rules followed are more streamlined and accepted across leagues and organizations around the world. Accordingly, we don't feel the need to tweak the rules to suit our mission and recreational vibe. 

We follow the Federation of International Touch rules, which can be found at this link:


At Sea to Sky Sports and its affiliate organizations [The Soccer Project Foundation (PS), Play Vancouver (PV), and PlayNYC (PN)], we follow the FIFA Laws of the Game, with some notable exceptions in the Match Rules section, below. 


A.  The Operating Committee shall determine, before each season, a date by which teams that played during the previous season must indicate their intention to participate in the upcoming season. This intention shall be indicated by submitting payment of League fees as set by the Treasurer and by identifying the field(s) on which the League has received a commitment for the upcoming season.

B.  After the above date, new teams and individual members will be allowed to enter the League (the latter members will be designated to their team of choice or appointed to a team by the League Commissioner). The Operating Committee shall establish procedures for the acceptance of new teams, and of individual players ('free agents') who wish to join the league but are not affiliated with an existing team.

C.  All players in our Adult programming must be 18 or over and must register with the organization (e.g, Sea to Sky Sports, in Canada, and Play NYC, in the United States) in advance of playing in any matches.

D.  Team captains are responsible for ensuring that any people they wish to represent their teams are registered in advance of a match. To register a player in one of our leagues, a player must check in with a league representative and sign any relevant forms (e.g., Participation Waiver, and Player Code of Conduct Agreement) before playing their first match. If a person intending to represent a particular team is on the field while the ball is in play and has not registered with the League, the team in question will automatically forfeit the game and the opposition team will be granted a win. If a team fields a non-registered player a subsequent time (i.e., a second offence), the team will automatically forfeit that game and be docked 6 points in the season standings. In addition, the team will lose its priority registration for the upcoming season.

E.  As per rules and regulations concerning player misconduct (Section IV.I), the League reserves the right to issue player-bans (from one-game suspensions to life-time bans). No refunds will be given to players for any games they will not play because of a suspension or ban.


A. No player may participate in a match if currently under suspension from any league or soccer organization.

B. Not more than five players on a team may be from a team that was suspended or expelled from the League or from any other soccer organization or league in the season prior to the one in which these players wish to participate.

C. Each team must have a minimum number of players, as set by the Operating Committee and outlined on the League’s website, registered with the League one week before the start of each season. Players may be dropped from or added to the roster during the season, in accordance with policies set out by the Operating Committee and published on said website.

D. Official player passes may be provided to each team representative for their respective team members. Each player’s pass must contain the player's name, a recent colour photo, the player’s birthday, and the name(s) of the team(s) on which the player is registered and must be validated by the League. In such cases where player passes have been issued, a player will not be able to take the field if she or he does not have an individual player pass - unless approved in advance by the League Commissioner for an extraordinary situation.

E. A player may register with a maximum of two teams if the League Commissioner has given prior approval. If a player is registered on two teams, the above player pass must indicate the “primary” team and the “secondary” team. Players may change their primary/secondary status until the halfway point of the season by re-registering their player pass (or by obtaining written approval from the League Commissioner). If a match occurs between the two teams, the player must play for the team listed as “primary.”

F. Co-ed (Mixed League) Requirements.

Our mixed leagues follow the principle that teams should attempt to acquire a balanced roster and field players in a balanced manner (e.g., provide equal playing time to everyone on a team).

Each team must have at least two women and two men present for a mixed league game (‘the rule of two attending’). Players may sub in and out freely, without regard to gender. Accordingly, it is acceptable to have seven men or seven women on the field when a team meets the gender requirement (above). However, even when meeting ‘the rule of two,’ a given team should endeavour not to have a single-gender composition of players on the field for a significant amount of time.

When one team meets the ‘rule of two attending’ and the opposition team does not, the latter team should play with fewer players than the total number permitted (e.g., six players if the league is 7v7, and 9 players if the league is 11v11).

Please note: The above rules on gender composition apply to regular-season play. During the playoffs, playing with a full team of either men or women at any given time is not permitted. A team’s on-field numbers must be reduced (by one player if 5v5, 6v6 and 7v7, and by two players if 8v8 to 11v11) should it field just one gender at a time. This is to avoid a team, for example, of all men beating a team with a balanced roster by gender during the post-season. We would wish to avoid this at any time; but, during the playoffs, it simply cannot occur in a co-ed league where a full-strength team of men (or women) attains victory over an opposition fielding multiple genders.

Referees should not be expected to initiate the process of reducing a team’s numbers if they cannot meet The Rule of Two Attenngin or any other gender requirement. The team captain, or other players on the team, should initiate the process of playing with fewer people on the field and continue to follow it throughout the game.


A. The league, where relevant, shall be organized into either an Open (single) Division or into two or more Divisions. When a league is not considered ‘Open,’ teams shall be placed into Divisions based on level of play as determined by the previous year’s or season's record. New teams will enter into the lowest tier.

B. Each team shall be scheduled for the same number of regular season games, according to the schedule developed by the Operating Committee.

C. Winners shall be determined in each Division or Group based upon the total number of points accumulated; with teams receiving three points for each victory, one point for each tie, and zero points for each loss. In the event that two or more teams are tied in standing points at the end of the season, applying the following tie-breaking procedures, in order, until the tie is resolved shall break the tie:

 1. Head-to-head record (or record among all tied teams when more than two teams are tied);

 2. Head-to-head goal differential;

 3. Fewest goals allowed; (forfeits shall be scored 3-0);

 4. Most wins; and

 5. Coin toss (to be done by the Commissioner).

6. During any post-season play, ties will be broken by the following methods, in order:

(a) Spot kicks

(b) In the event spot-kicks are not possible (e.g., time has run out on access to a field), the winner will be decided on total points accumulated by each of the competing teams by a combination of league and post-season points.

(c) In the event total points between the two teams are the same as in ‘b’ above, the tie will be broken by a coin toss (to be done by the Commissioner).

D.  Division and Group alignments will be determined by the Operating Committee subject to the following provisions: The winner of each Group in the previous year shall be elevated to the next higher Division (if a tiered system exists) and the lowest finishing teams in each Group in the previous year shall be placed in the next lower Division. At its discretion, the Operating Committee may then elevate the second place team in a Group into the next higher Division and may lower the second to last place team in a Group into the next lower Division.

E.  A post-season competition should be considered a bonus offering and not an obligation of the League to provide. As such, The League’s competition is structured like the English Premier League, where performance during the regular-season determines the title. The League, however, will always endeavor to provide a post-season competition when time constraints associated with a season's park permit, weather cancellations, Bank Holidays, etc. will allow.

F. The League shall state as early as possible - given field/weather cancellations and other considerations - if any post-season competition will occur in a given season. Efforts to conduct a post-season competition should not be considered as a promise of any such competition as per E, above.

F.  The only major, statutory holidays the league will break for are Christmas Day and New Year's Day. If teams cannot field a minimum roster for a match on any other holiday weekend, the team will forfeit the match. If both teams meant to play each other cannot field a minimum roster on any other holiday, the match will be canceled. However, the league will do its best to postpone such games rather than cancel them or issue forfeits; yet, this capability depends on weather cancelations, permit length and such other factors as referee availability for any attempted make-up games.


A.   Each player must wear League-provided uniforms, unless approval is given by the League Commissioner for a team or player to wear an alternative uniform. If prior approval is not given by the League Commissioner, a team must - if any player on the team is not wearing her or his team's uniform - play the first three minutes of the match with one player down.   
B. Except as provided herein, matches shall be played according to FIFA rules.

1. No slide tackling is permitted, including by the goalkeeper when in her/his penalty area. Slide tackling is a yellow card offence if no contact is made with an opposition player and is a red card offence if contact is made. Players, with exception to the goalkeeper, should try to avoid going to ground when shot blocking, as any contact with an opposition player resulting from a shot block attempt, other than by the goalkeeper in the penalty area, may be treated as if it were a slide tackle and consequently may result in a caution or red card.)

2. Shin guards must be worn as well as socks which fully cover shin guards. If a player is on the field while the ball is in play and is not wearing shin guards, said player will be cautioned (i.e., given a yellow card) and asked to leave the field of play. He or she may re-enter the field of play when the match official permits her or him to do so. If a given player has entered the field of play without wearing shin guards twice in the same season, said player will be suspended for one match. If three or more players from a given team have entered the field of play without wearing shin guards in a given season, the team will be docked 3 points.

C.  For 6v6 and 7v7 matches, teams are allowed to substitute freely at the following times AND only after recognition by the referee:

1. After either team has scored a goal, or been awarded a goal kick.

2. When the substituting team has possession of the ball on a throw-in.

3.  When a player on the substituting team has been injured (if a substitution is made, the other team may also make a substitution at this point).

D. All matches will begin at the time designated on the schedule, unless the League Commissioner approves alternative arrangements.

E.   The minimum number of players required by a team to play a match is as follows: 3 for 5v5, 4 for 7v7, 5 for 8v8 and 7 for 11v11. If a team does not have the required number of players to begin a game by 10 minutes after the designated game start time, the game is a forfeit by that team. (NOTE: Forfeits will result in a team fine of $100, which must be made payable by check or cash to the opposition team prior to the forfeiting team's next match.)

F.   Match referees shall be responsible for administering the League Rules during the match, and their decisions shall be final. If a League representative who is not a match official observes misconduct (or the breaking of any rule) that is not witnessed or dealt with by the match official, players and teams may be subject to sanctions including but not limited to the following: player-suspensions, the docking of team points, the loss of priority registration for the team, and the removal of the team from the League. 

G. For each match, the League Commissioner shall depute the necessary people to uphold these responsibilities:

1. The field must be properly lined (which may include the laying out of cones rather than actual lines.)

2. A minimum of two regulation size number 5 balls must be provided per game.

3. Nets must be provided and attached to the goal frame.

4. Portable goals must be anchored to the ground or weighted (e.g., with sandbags).

5. If the League Commissioner is unable to be present at League games, then she or he will designate one or more League representatives to assume her or his role during said games. This role includes the reporting of any misconduct or foul play that the match official did not witness or not deal with if witnessed. [The League Commissioner, if present at games, may also designate League representatives to assist with monitoring games for misconduct and foul play.]

H.   Any team may file a protest with the Commissioner when it feels that a match or a part of a match has not been played in accordance with League Rules, provided that it informs the referee at the time it feels the rule has been violated and notifies the Commissioner within 48 hours of its intent to file a protest, and then subsequently files a written protest within one week of the date of the game.

I. Besides the standard match penalties, additional penalties shall be assessed based on the accumulation of demerits as explained below (Note: Four demerits will result in a fine of $25, to be payable by check to a local PS partner charity. Also, this fine must be paid before the player in question is next permitted to play - i.e., after any suspension is served):

1.  Yellow Cards count as 1 demerit when not on probation and 2 demerits when on probation. Two Yellow Cards in one game will count as one Red Card and will result in a minimum of a one-game suspension.

2.   Red Cards count as 4 demerits when a player is not on probation and 6 demerits when on probation. When a player is not on probation, a red card offence carries a minimum of a one-game suspension. When a player is on probation, a red card offence carries a minimum of a three-game suspension. If the Red Card was issued for fighting, the following additional penalties will be assessed:

                  a. A Red Card for fighting shall result in a lifetime ban from the League.

3. Individual Player Suspensions

a. Four demerits in a season shall result in a minimum of a one-game suspension.

b. Eight demerits in a season shall result in a minimum of a three-game suspension.

c. Twelve demerits in a season shall result in a hearing before the Operating Committee, with a possible suspension of one-year or a lifetime ban.

d. Any suspension not fully served shall carry over and be served in the next season.

e. Suspensions shall apply to post-season play as well as regular-season play.

f. Demerits are not carried over into subsequent seasons; however, suspensions resulting from a previous season will carry over to a subsequent season.

4. Misconduct Toward Game Officials, Players and Spectators

a.  Misconduct against referees, players or spectators includes abuse or assault before, during and after the match, and during travel to and from the match and also at later times (such as when directly related to the duties of the game official as a referee). Abuse includes, but is not limited to, foul or abusive language, verbal statement (or physical act) that implies or threatens physical harm, or damage to one’s property or equipment. Assault includes, but is not limited to, hitting, kicking, punching, choking, spitting at or on, grabbing, or bodily running into a referee, kicking or throwing any object at a referee, player or spectator that could inflict injury or damage a uniform or personal property (e.g., equipment, car, etc.).

b. Such acts as noted above, in 'a,' will result in strict suspensions, ranging from multiple games to one or more years, including a lifetime ban. The League may also dock an offending player's team one or more points, especially if an offending player [players] has [have] been duly warned and/or suspended by the League for previous misconduct. Suspensions and the docking of points may result whether or not referees witness or act upon any misconduct during match play. If a Referee (or other League representative) observes misconduct that she or he thinks warrants review, the matter must be presented to the League Commissioner within 48 hours of the match's completion. In addition to the docking of points to a team during league play for misconduct, the docking of points in a team’s playoff competition may also ensue as a result of misconduct.

c. A direct red card for dissent or any abusive or violent act (as described above in ‘a’ and ‘b’ above) toward a referee will result in a permanent ban from the League. However, by special arrangement with the League, the player may be welcome back to play if they first complete a relevant referee course and also officiate a minimum of three matches (without pay) for the League. Alternatively, volunteer work with one of the League’s affiliated charitable organizations may be considered in lieu of the first option (refereeing for the league).

5. The League Commissioner shall notify the player of his or her suspension (and/or the player's team of any corresponding docking of points, loss of priority registration, or removal of the team from the League), in writing, within ten (10) days of receipt of the Referee's or the League representative's report. In cases of referee abuse or assault, the Commissioner may also notify the state or provincial association. The Operating Committee may increase the length of any suspension imposed by the Commissioner within one year from the incident.

6. The player or team captain may appeal to the Operating Committee, in writing, within seven (7) days of receipt of the notice of suspension, loss of priority registration, docking of points, or removal of the team from the league, using the procedure described in the League Bylaws. The above committee may reduce or extend the suspension after hearing the appeal.

J.   Any team that will not be able to compete in a match for any reason must notify the Commissioner a minimum of three (3) hours before the match in question. Failure to do so could result in team suspensions and/or team fines, in accordance with decisions made by the Operating Committee. 

K. The following conditions shall cause a team to forfeit a match (NOTE - forfeits will result in a team fine of $100, which must be payable to the League before the end of the season; failure to pay the fine will result in loss of priority registration for the following season as well as an additional team fee of $100 if registration is permitted for the following season.):

1. Failure to have a minimum required number of players in accordance with Section V(D).

2. Failure to use a player who does not meet the requirements of Section I(D), or who is not on the official team roster.

In the event of a forfeit, the forfeiting team shall be docked three standings points, and the winning team shall receive three (3) standing points. If the forfeiture results in a situation where referees are present to officiate because the minimum notice was not provided to the League regarding a team’s inability to field a requisite number of players (as per the above section), the forfeiting team shall, in addition to the aforementioned fine paid to the League, must pay the full amount of the referee fee for that game.

M. No alcoholic beverages are to be consumed during the game or at the field.

N.  A team shall be docked 3 points and will also be placed on probation by the League Commissioner when the total demerits amongst a given team's players reach 12 for a given season. The Commissioner shall inform a team that it has been placed on probation within one week after the Commissioner becomes aware that the probation status for that team is warranted. When team members accumulate 12 demerits, the team shall be placed on probation for at least the remainder of the season and possibly for a certain number of games - to be determined by the League Commissioner - in the subsequent season. When a team is on probation, any player receiving either a red or yellow card shall receive additional demerits pursuant to rule V(H). Additional demerits may result in a team losing its priority registration for the subsequent season, or in a team being banned for one or more seasons.

O.  Any game that is postponed must be rescheduled by mutual agreement of the two teams’ captains within two weeks of the postponement, or by the last day of regular season play, whichever comes first. The Commissioner must be informed of the date, time and location of the rescheduled game. If the captains are unable to reach an agreement concerning rescheduling, they shall ask the Commissioner to intervene; the Commissioner shall then the set a time, place and date for the game to be played, subject to field availability. 

P.   In the event that a game, which has been started, is not able to be completed due to conditions beyond the control of either team, the game shall stand as a complete game if one half or more of the match has been played; otherwise, the match must be replayed in its entirety.

Q. The game outcome (score, forfeit, or game not played) must be reported to the appropriate recorder within 24 hours following the end of the match.

R. Replacement Players (aka Subs)

1. Definition: 'Replacement players' are those players that the League permits teams to bring in when teams cannot provide a full roster for a given game (i.e., they are players who are not registered members of the team for which they intend to play in a given game).

2. Replacement players may be used in a match in accordance with the following conditions:

  • All replacement players must be registered with the League before their first match.

  • In 7v7 matches, a team must have at least 4 registered team players available (or the match is forfeited). With 4 regular players, that team can obtain as many as 4 replacement players for a given game. However, the team must always field at least 3 of its 4 registered players during the game. With 5-6 regular players, that team can obtain as many as 3 replacement players. However, the team must always field at least 3 of its 4 registered players on the field at all times. With 6-7 regular players, the team may acquire 2 replacement players. In this instance, all players may sub in and out freely.

  • In 6v6 matches, a team must have at least 3 registered players available (or the match is forfeited). With 3 regular players, that team is permitted to obtain as many as 4 replacement players. However, only 2 replacement players may be on the pitch at the same time. With 5 regular players, that team is permitted to obtain as many as 3 replacement players. However, only 2 replacement players may be on the pitch at the same time. With 6 regular players, the team may acquire 2 replacement players. However, only 1 replacement player may be on the pitch at a given time.

  • In 5v5 matches, a team must have at least 3 registered players available (or the match is forfeited). With 3 regular players, that team is permitted to obtain as many as 4 replacement players (for a total of 7 players). However, no more than 3 replacement players may be on the pitch at the same time. With 4 regular players, a team is permitted to obtain as many as 3 replacement players. With 5 regular players, the team may acquire 2 replacement players.

  • Special exceptions to the above ratios: When a team does not have any women (irrespective of the number of regular male players available), the team may obtain the minimum required number of women as replacements and they may play freely. The captain must obtain League approval in such cases.

  • Fielding ineligible replacement players will result in a team’s loss of a match. Subsequent offences will result in match losses, the docking of an additional three points in the standings, and a loss of priority registration.

  • To play in a cup championship match or playoff game, a replacement player must have played a minimum of one regular season game for the team she or he is playing for in the cup or playoff game.

3. Any team that fields a replacement player without first gaining the League's approval will forfeit the game in question (which will also result in a fine per the aforementioned rules on forfeits).

4. Additional considerations: While the following are not hard and fast rules, they are guidelines to follow so that a game with replacement players is played as fairly as possible:

  • Captains are encouraged to NOT solicit top players from around the league to act as replacement players.

  • However, as the top players from around the league may be the only ones available, captains are encouraged to do the following:

    • Play an 'elite' player out of position (e.g., if she or he is normally a forward, play her/him at defence).

    • Limit said player's time on the pitch so that he or she plays less than any regular team members (this should also be the objective even if the replacement player is not an 'elite' player).

    • If two or more replacement players are from the same team, the captain should limit their time together on the pitch.

    • Please be cognizant that, while competitive, this is a recreational soccer league and that winning should not be the principal objective. The above rules and guidelines are in place to help ensure that games are played fairly and under a general principle of friendly competition.

S. Team captains are the only players who should address concerns to match officials. If non-captains seek answers from referees on the nature of calls, and especially if the questioning may be construed as complaining or as dissent, these players should expect to be warned the first time; cautioned (e.g., to receive a yellow card) the second time; and shown a red card for the third such approach.


The following rules and guidelines override any rules (above) on the relevant subject at hand. Most of these rules and guidelines have been set by BC Soccer, and we are obliged to institute and uphold them.

In some cases, we have added to the BC Soccer-proscribed rules and guidelines in such as a way as to even better ensure the safety of staff, volunteers and players.


A throw-in (i.e., the method of re-starting play after a ball has completely crossed a sideline) is no longer permitted. The new procedure is a kick-in, which shall be an Indirect Free Kick. All players but the kick-taker must be 6 feet (2m) away from the ball during the taking of a kick-in.

Spitting and nose-clearing (i.e., the free-style, non-tissue using kind) are not permitted. If a player/participant does spit or clear their nose, the referee is required to stop the game and oversee the substitution of the player as quickly as possible. The player must sit on the sideline for a minimum of 15% of the total game duration. (For example, if the match duration is 50 minutes per the BC Soccer Small Sided Soccer Development Manual, the substituted player would need to sit for 7.5 minutes). A replacement for that ‘sitting’ player may be made.

Players should avoid touching the ball with their hands, unless they are goalkeepers, even during a stoppage in play. Regular rules remain during the course of game-play as regard ‘handling offences.’

Players should reduce physical closeness and keep 6 feet (2m) of space between other players (including their own team members) when possible during match-play.

Players should, at all times, do whatever they can to avoid touching other players with their hands.

Players should avoid being within 6 feet (2m) of other players when standing still. Of course, movement in soccer makes it impossible not to cross paths with someone and to, now and again, bump into them accidentally. Players will bump into players and referees, and referees will bump into players. Players and referees should, therefore, attempt to be even more cognizant than ever (now that we live in a Covid-19 context) of their surroundings and, to the best of their abilities, avoid coming into contact with other players.


To help stop the spread of COVID-19, all involved parties (players, coaches, spectators, and staff) should follow these guidelines and rules associated with participation in league soccer.

  • Stay home if sick.

  • Use this self-assessment tool before attending each match:

  • Wear a mask if possible — especially when physical distancing cannot be maintained

  • Players should bring their own equipment, like goalie gloves and balls for warm-up. (The league will not provide gloves on loan or match balls for warming up.)

  • Players should bring their own hand-sanitizer, in order to reduce the number of people touching any hygiene products which may be provided by the league.

  • Players should clean their hands before and after practices, games, and sharing equipment.

  • Tell a team representative (e.g, captain) or staff member if you don’t feel well.

  • COVID-19 etiquette associated with coughing and sneezing should be upheld at all times. For example: cover your mouth with your elbow rather than your hands when coughing and sneezing.

  • Players and team personnel on the sidelines as well as before and after matches, and during half-time breaks, must adhere to 6 feet (2m) distances per the BC health authorities and BC Soccer. Similarly, shaking hands, high-fiving and the like are to be avoided.

  • Any guests of players (e.g., spectators) must remain off the playing field. For example, at Empire Fields, guests may watch the matches from other side of the perimeter fencing but not from the sidelines or the space between any two games which may be running concurrently.

  • Players are not to enter or to cross the playing fields operated by other leagues. For example, during our permit time at Empire Fields, another league operates at the adjacent field. Please go around the perimeter fencing until you arrive at the location of our field and enter only our field.